We can’t believe that summer is over! We’ve had so much fun playing in the sun. While we’re sad to see the summer go, we’re excited to welcome the new school year, new teachers, new friends and all new adventures!
With the increase of COVID cases and the added risk of the Delta Variant, we will resuming masking for adults. Temperature check are back as well. Please, check your temperature and your child’s temperature on the wall as you enter to wash your hands.
La Mere Health Policy Reminder: Children or children with family members presenting a temperature of 99.5 or higher will be excused from school until they are symptom free for 72 hours or have a doctor’s note clearing them to return. Children who are vomiting, have diarrhea, a persistent cough, or thick green or yellowish mucus or snot will also be sent home and asked not to return for 72 hours or have a doctor’s note.
While we realize that 72 hours may seem like a long time, this is necessary to ensure that we are not spreading germs and viruses. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation and understanding on this subject.
Thursday, August 19th is Back to School Night at 6:15 pm. Come meet your children’s teachers, spend some time in their classroom and hear about all they will be learning this school year. Kona Ice and Yard Bash will be on sight with a bounce house to entertain the kiddos.
Beginning on August 1, 2020 tuition rates changed. We certainly understand that price increases are never ideal for anyone’s budget. These increases are necessary for us to be able to hire and retain the best possible staff and maintain our standards for high-quality care and education.