Healthy & Safety Protocol


Keeping You Informed

COVID-19 Information

The safety and well-being of the children in our care, their families, and our staff are our highest priority and is at the core of our La Mère Academy mission and policies. We have been the pioneers in providing the best in safety features and procedures, and we will continue to lead the way as the premier childcare center in Leander, TX.

We will continue to monitor this rapidly evolving situation and follow the recommendations of the World Health Organization, Public Health Departments, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Childcare Licensing, and Williamson County Health Department officials.

We are communicating with our enrolled families on our extensive coronavirus plan as well as encouraging individuals to keep up to date with reliable sources.

CDC / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

We continue to take extra precautions to prevent the spread of this virus and appreciate your partnership to help us do so.


Self Quarantine After Travel

Effective immediately, La Mère Academy asks that any families or staff members that travel outside the country must not return to school for 14 days unless they have clearance from a doctor’s office.


Minimize People Coming into School

We ask that all of our families utilize our Kiss and Go option. Just call the school and let us know you are arriving, pull up to the front door, and we will get your child from the car. At pick up time, call and let us know you are on your way and we will bring your child to the car. We asked grandparents or those with serious underlying medical conditions should not pick up children, because they are more at risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

School Wellness Policy

As always, we remind everyone – parents, children, and staff alike – to stay home at the first sign of illness and for a sufficient period afterward. If you are concerned that your child is experiencing a cold that lasts longer than a few days, appears ill, or is experiencing discomfort or distress in terms of breathing, you should consult with your healthcare provider. AS A REMINDER, ANY child who is sick at school (fever of 99.5 or higher, or two cases of vomiting and/or diarrhea, or unexplained rashes or eye discharge) will be sent home and expected to be picked up within one hour of the time of notification. ​

Keep Child Home If They Are Sick

This is a standard policy within the school, but it is even more critical that parents are mindful of this now. Staying home allows your child to rest and for you to monitor their health closely. No child will be permitted to attend school with a fever.

Returning to School After Illness

Your child must remain home for a minimum of 72 hours after showing no signs of fever or contagion without the use of medication. A doctor’s note is required to return to school.
washing hand

Parent and Students Hand Washing

Please wash your hands and child’s hands for 20 seconds with soap and water upon arrival daily. To support our working parents, we follow directions from CDC and Texas state childcare licensing. We encourage you to stay informed directly from the CDC and Williamson County Health Department.

Most Importantly – Let’s Remain Calm and Work Together: We understand the uncertainty this outbreak presents for all of us. We must work together to remain focused on what we can control to prevent this virus from spreading. Contact us and schedule a tour if you have any questions!

Keeeping Everyone Safe & Healthy

What else are we doing?

  • We implemented an adequate ratio of staff to children to ensure safety.
  • Please check-in/check-out via our KangarooTime app. This will help us keeping track of parents dropping off or picking up the children.
  • Temperature will be taken at the lobby. Anyone with a temperature of 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit will be denied entry and send home. We ask that the child be kept out of school until he/she has been fever free for 72 hours without fever relieving medicine and a doctor’s note. 
  • The hand hygiene station is set up in the front lobby. Parents and children are required to clean their hands before going past the lobby area.
  • Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the lobby area as well as classrooms. We do not recommend using hand sanitizer on children under 2 years old. 
  • The school utilizes CINTAS provided cleaning solutions which are EPA approved for use against SARS-COV-2, the cause of COVID-19 for our daily cleaning and disinfecting procedures.

By Moms. For Moms (And Dads).

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