Happy Heart Month
We <3 hearts around here! We’re looking forward to celebrating all month long! Check the calendar link below for all the fun ahead!
Super Bowl Week
Who’s ready for some football?! Or the end of football? ; ) Hahaha! Either way, we’re here for it! Wear your favorite team jersey on Friday!
Tax Information
Go to KangarooTime.com and Log In via Parents Login
- Login to your parent account.
- Go to Billing > Statement
- Start Date 01/01/2022 and End Date 12/31/2022
- Click Statement PDF for detailed billing or click Summary PDF for summary billing.
January Guess & Win WINNER
Congratulations to the Olexa Family in Suite 100! They are the only family ever to have gotten the number EXACTLY! 239 bouncy balls!
Good luck to all of you this month! May the odds be ever in your favor!
Valentine Celebrations
Please, check with your child’s teacher about Valentine’s celebrations. Times, cards, and treats will all be specific to each individual classroom. Please, remember that we are a nut-free school when sending in treats!
Now Enrolling for Spring Break Camp
Spring Break is just around the corner. Our super, fun camp is for kindergarten through fifth grade. March 13th-17th. All the info give us a call. 512-355-1110
Now Enrolling for Summer Camp
Summer Camp Information and enrollment forms are at the front desk. Summer Camp is for children who will have completed kindergarten through fifth grade.
La Mere Academy is Hiring
Know a wonderful teacher? Know someone who is just naturally wonderful with young children? Please, send them our way. We are always looking for great people, and it will mean $250 off tuition for you!
Family Referral
Do you know a family that could benefit from the services provided by La Mère Academy? When you refer a family or friend to La Mère Academy, you will receive $500 in tuition credits! These credits can be applied to your account after they become a La Mère Academy family after three months (if you refer multiple people, you’ll receive a credit for each referral). Take advantage of this deal and email the name and email address of your referral to info@lamereacademy.com!