November Newsletter

We say this every November but, it doesn’t make it any less true. We are so very thankful that you allow us to share in the lives of your littles. Spending our days teaching and nurturing your children is our greatest joy! Thank you all!

Can-a-thon 11/1-11/07

November 1st-7th we’re having a canned food drive. Each classroom will be collecting cans. The classroom that collects the most cans will win an Ice Cream Party! Our Pre-K kiddos are going to drop the food off for us and tour the Central Texas Food Bank.

Parking in Fire Lanes

Parking in fire lanes is strictly prohibited by the Fire Marshal’s office. It is a law, and the law protects the safety of the children in our building. We have a carline drop off in the morning from 8am to 8:45am to help, if you are unable to find a parking spot. If you’d really like to walk your child in, you must find a proper parking space. Cars found double parking and parking in fire lanes will now incur a $50 charge to your child’s account every time your car is parked illegally in our parking lot. This will include cars left running with hazard lights on. The car MUST have a driver in it to idle in a fire lane.

We also, ask that you kindly do not block the walkway to the door. Families are trying to safely make it to the front door in the morning.

Veteran’s Day

La Mere has two wonderful veterans working here, Ms. Wanda in Suite 150 and Chef Latesha. Please, take an extra moment to give them a kind word or a “thank you” for their service to our country on November 10th.

Thanksgiving Luncheon 11/15 and 11/16

Join us for a Thanksgiving Luncheon. Families with students in Preschool (Ms. Jane, Ms. Leticia, Ms. Venee, Ms. Olivia and Ms. Shea’s classes) are invited to join us November 15th at 11am in your child’s classroom. Families with students in the Infant/Toddler and Pre-K classes are invited to join us November 16th at 11am in your child’s classroom. Please, RSVP using the link in the newsletter e-mail. Four family members per student, please.

Salvation Army Angel Tree

It’s time for our Angel Tree.

How to participate

  • Select a tag (tags will be on the front window) and a red mesh bag.
  • Shop for the child on the tag. The Salvation Army asks that each child receive at least one new item with tags on for every category listed on the tag. No food items, please.
  • Bring your items back unwrapped in the red mesh bag with the tag attached on or before the morning of December 8th.

Mickey Mouse’s Birthday 11/18

La Mere Academy loves all things Disney! Naturally that includes Mickey Mouse! His 95th birthday is November 18th. Wear your best Mickey or Minnie outfit or costume and, we’ll enjoy a treat to celebrate this iconic guy.

Guess & Win

Congratulations to the Renner Family! They were the closest with a guess of 212! There were 213 Halloween chocolates in the jar!

Good luck this month! May the odds be forever in your favor!

School Closure 11/24-11/25

La Mere Academy will be closed Thursday, November 23, 2023 and Friday, November 24, 2023 for Thanksgiving. Enjoy this time with your family, we’ll see you Monday.

By Moms. For Moms (And Dads).

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